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National Lazy Day: Date, History, Traditions, Activities & Facts

July 18, 2022 4 min read

We sometimes find ourselves wishing for a day when we didn't have to do anything in today's wired society. Absolutely nothing. Not even the smallest amount of effort. In other words, we crave a relaxed day. Even still, when we set aside a day to do nothing, we find it difficult to be lazy - as if we're hardwired to do something, even if we don't really need to.

Let us put an end to that. The 10th of August is the day to accomplish it. Or don't do it at all. Today is National Lazy Day. And it's magnificent. Lazy Day is the perfect day to embrace your inner couch potato by skipping your usual job routine and doing nothing all day. Simply relax on the couch today, give your TV remote control some exercise, and take a well-deserved nap.

1. What is the Date of National Lazy Day? 

On August 10th, National Lazy Day allows us to unwind and unwind. So we'll be a little lazy here. As you can see, there isn't much information about this annual holiday because we didn't feel like doing any study.

In fact, we don't feel like doing anything. As a result, we're relaxing in our hammocks with a few nice books and glasses of lemonade and iced tea. It is, indeed, a Lazy Day. We'd rather be lazy than tell you more about this day.

2. National Lazy Day History 

National Lazy Day's beginnings are unknown. We conducted research but became complacent and did not delve deeper. Perhaps the holiday's creators were too indolent to document its inspiration. We only know that it is fiercely honored on August 10th by not being unduly zealous.

The whole goal of National Lazy Day is to be a slacker who does nothing but rest. Nobody can criticize you for lying in bed all day or sitting on the couch in front of the television, snacking on food. We're not telling you to leave your literal comfort zone, but a few extras could keep you entertained, such as listening to Bruno Mars' 2010 song "The Lazy Song" or picking up a copy of Mel Levine's "The Myth of Laziness" to better understand and debunk myths surrounding laziness and its impact on our productivity.

Laziness, as much as it is frowned upon, can also be a blessing. It is not always the case that a person is lazy; rather, they would prefer to save their energy for things that are truly important.

Lazy individuals are frequently well-rested and receive the benefits of adequate sleep, which include increased memory, reduced stress, a longer attention span, and reduced inflammation.

The nice aspect about laziness is that it reduces your risk of burnout. Being indolent allows the body to recuperate and rebalance itself. Insomnia, sadness, and chronic weariness can all result from burnout.

3. National Lazy Day Traditions

National Lazy Day has few customs since individuals are too lazy to come up with any activity that can be turned into a tradition. Take a moment, relax, and let your thoughts wander.

Many people celebrate hustling culture, but it is important to be lazy once in a while and take the time to contemplate and truly think about things; otherwise, you risk burning out.

Today can also be used as an excellent excuse for avoiding doing the dishes, taking out the garbage, or doing any other errands. For once, laziness is the solution!

4. National Lazy Day Activities

Get some shut-eye

There's no reason to wake up on Lazy Day. Turn off your phone, roll over, and let your body catch up on lost sleep. Allow yourself to wake up naturally when your body tells you to, not when the birds, the sun, or the clock tell you to.


Unplug your phone for as much of the day as feasible. You'll be tempted to check emails, read the news, and post on Instagram if you spend your idle time scrolling through your phone. Unplug so you can truly enjoy Lazy Day without distractions.

Enjoy a movie marathon

What better day to catch up on Harry Potter, Marvel films, or a new Netflix series? Watch your favorite movies and camp out on the couch for the day. You have permission to do nothing but eat popcorn, watch movies, and relax. Enjoy!

Read the day away

Have you ever started a book and couldn't put it down? And before you knew it, the entire day had gone by? Lazy Day is ideal for reading a book that completely transports you and consumes your entire day. Find a new book and start reading!

Bring out your board games

Gather your pals, unpack your old board games, and have a relaxing game day. Bring out the classics, such as Monopoly, The Game of Life, and Clue! Try something newer, such as Cards Against Humanity or New Phone, Who Dis? Games are great for having fun, channeling your inner child, reducing stress, and unwinding.

For every meal, order takeaway.

Remember it's Lazy Day? There is no need to cook or wash dishes. To save time and effort, consider ordering in. For breakfast, grab an egg-and-cheese bagel to go. For lunch, get Thai. For dinner, order a pizza. Order whatever tickles your fancy and dig in!

Avoid doing chores at all costs

On Lazy Day, there's no need to bore yourself with tasks. Save the overflowing laundry basket, piled-high dirty dishes in the sink, and carpet in severe need of vacuuming for another day. Lazy Day is a no-work zone!

Wear your pajamas all day

The best part about Lazy Day is that you can wear whatever you want without feeling guilty. Swap off your pants for pajama bottoms. You don't have to shower if you don't want to. If you truly want to celebrate National Lazy Day properly, spend the entire day in your pjs.

5. National Lazy Day Fun Facts

- Because sloths move so slowly, algae grows on their long, thick hair.

- Laziness can sometimes lead to creativity. Resistance to hard work might encourage us to be creative.

- Laziness does not always imply stupidity. In an overworked world, the idle may be the wisest.

- Perspective Influences Laziness

- It Can Be Beneficial To Be Lazy At Times

- Some People Are Just Born Lazy

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