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Son and Daughter Day: Date, History, Activities & Wishes

July 18, 2022 5 min read

Son and Daughter Day (also known as National Son and Daughter Day) is an annual holiday celebrated in the United States to appreciate the bond between parents and children. It is not federally recognized, unlike Mother's and Father's Days.

1. What is the Date of Son and Daughter Day? 

Every year on August 11, National Son and Daughter Day is observed. This love-centric family holiday (which we're sure has the approval of both Gloria Steinem and Smokey Robinson, as you'll see) reminds us to take a break from the whirlwind of paying bills, surviving the maelstrom of current events, and meeting what seems like thousands of daily obligations to spend time with our children.

National Son and Daughter Day provides an excuse to indulge the youngsters a little. For a day, pretend to be a grandparent and remind the kids that through all the ups and downs of mayhem and joy, and however they've turned out thus far, they're the greatest loves of your life.

2. Son and Daughter Day History 

The first record of an August 11th observance of this day that the National Day Calendar could discover was in 1988. A Nanaimo (British Columbia, Canada) Daily News article from August 12, 1988 mentions it. While we were unable to locate the originator of National Son's and Daughter's Day, we did discover several events with the same name.

According to an article in the St. Joseph News-Press/Gazette on August 20, 1944, J Henry Dusenberry began pursuing the notion of a Sons' and Daughters' Day in 1936. He had the thought after hearing a toddler inquire as to why there was no such event. The day began in Missouri and spread as a result of his efforts. Parents placed a flower in a vase for each of their children and placed the vase in a prominent room in the house. As they glanced at the flowers throughout the day, parents reflected on their children, particularly those who no longer lived in the house. By 1945, the celebration had reached its peak, with 22 states and organizations taking part.

In the years that followed, organizations such as the Lions Club and women's auxiliaries would have Sons and Daughters Day in their communities. These observances, however, might vary from year to year.

Then, on behalf of Georgia Paul of Del Rio, Texas, Florida Congressman Claude Pepper requested the formation of a Sons' and Daughters' Day in 1972. According to the Del Rio News-Herald of October 28, 1972, the request requested that the day be observed annually on the last Sunday in January. However, neither the House nor the Senate passed legislation or passed a joint resolution declaring the day.

3. Son and Daughter Day Activities

Today, do something unique for your children

If they are at home, take a walk or visit a nearby park. Make a phone call or send a card to grown children. Remind them of how important they are to you. On social media, use the hashtag #SonsAndDaughtersDay.

Take a day off

Depending on your workload, you may feel as if you work more than you get to spend with your family. To commemorate National Son and Daughter Day, consider spending some of your paid time off or perhaps taking a sick day to do something enjoyable with the kids. This is a day for spending quality time with loved ones.

Create a wonderful treat

It doesn't have to be a sugary treat or a dirty endeavor. You know what your kids like to eat, and there's a good chance they have a favorite dish that you can create together at home. Tacos, peanut butter crackers, or veggies and ranch dip are some fun and somewhat healthful make-at-home snacks. You could even go all-out with your children and teach them how to create a favorite dish, or you could choose for a treat with less cleaning and let the children choose a restaurant for a special night out.

Spend time with your kids

Son and Daughter Day is a terrific reminder to make time in your life to keep connected, whether your children are little at home or grownups on their own. Take your children to the movies, go for a walk in the park, or sit down at the dinner table and really listen to what they have to say. Sometimes the best way to communicate "I love you" is to be present and allow the kids to take the lead. Whatever your children enjoy doing, you may make this holiday memorable by showing up with genuine joy for their accomplishments.

4. Son and Daughter Day Wishes

- As we celebrate National Son and Daughter Day, I want to say “I love my son” because he makes me a proud parent with his good deeds…. Thanks for being such a wonderful son and making my old age so satisfactory…. Best wishes on this special day.

-  “I Love My Daughter” not because she is my girl but because she is the most beautiful daughter and a lovely human being…. She respects her parents and cares for them like a mother….. Wishing you a very Happy National Son and Daughter Day.

- We celebrate National Son and Daughter Day because we want to thank our children for everything they do for us and also to have a day dedicated to them for being such beautiful children…. Wishing you Happy National Son and Daughter Day.

- Celebrations of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are incomplete without National Son and Daughter Day because our cute children make us parents and we also need a day to tell them “I love you my son/ daughter”.

- Thanks for making me a mother and thanks again for making me a proud and satisfied mother who is happy watching her children grow into responsible, loving, caring and sensible individuals…. Warm wishes on National Son and Daughter Day.

- I haven’t experienced as much happiness as I felt the day I became a mother and since then it has been a beautiful journey of motherhood…. Wishing you a very Happy National Son and Daughter Day because you make me a happy and smiling mother.

- A mother feels content when she sees her children settled, happy, responsible and caring….. And today I feel on top of this world because my little one is living life with grace and smiles… Warm wishes on National Son and Daughter Day to you.

 National Son and Daughter Day gives a chance to every parent to tell their children that they love them and they are proud of them….. Being a mother to a baby like you was a blessing because you have been the most understanding and loving child a parent can have.

- When you are parents to a responsible and mature son and daughter, you are blessed in every sense.

- Sons and daughters always bring happiness and lots of smiles to their parents and make their lives so full of joy.

- You are the present from God, wrapped in love and ignorance which has brought into our lives the best of happiness and joy and on this day, we want to thank the Almighty for a daughter like you.

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